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Nourishing Kin | 4 Season Bundle

Nourishing Kin: Celebrating Ancestral Solar Cycles

Seasonal Explorations | 4 Season Bundle


Bundle Includes:

  • All 4 - 2 hr recordings of live seasonal sessions, exploring all 8 wheel-of-the year holy days
  • 4 - 30 min recordings of live Q&A
  • 4 - PDF documents with additional resources 


4 Season Bundle Description:

The Nourishing Kin 4 Season Bundle includes recordings from our Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn classes. 


Winter | Yule & Imbolc:

The turn of the wheel into winter brings us into a season of chill and darkness. Alongside our ancestors, we look forward to contrasting this season with light and warmth. This is the season of winter, where candles are aflame, warmth is found around the hearth, and delights are shared with friends and family as we await the return of light. 


Spring | Ostara & Beltane:

As Spring blossoms we find ourselves nearing the transitional time between the hibernating depths of Winter and the delicate emergence of new life. We take this time as an opportunity to pause and gather ourselves as we enter a new season, allowing ourselves to go gentle and slow and looking to the land and our ancestors for examples of how to do this in the most grace-filled and celebratory ways. 


Summer | Midsommar & Lammas:

The Sun, which has been steadily growing in strength since the Winter Solstice, will be at its full power and peak. Summer is a time to celebrate and wholeheartedly accept the invitation to be outside and in communion with the vibrant energy of life in nature at this of year. 


Autumn | Mabon & Samhain:

The season of autumn is certainly one of harvest and celebration, but it also denotes the beginning of the darker half of the year. During this time, accounting and preparing for the times gone and ahead, as well as honoring one’s beloved dead are powerful practices rooted in breath, body, and bones.





What is Nourishing Kin?

nourish: to feed or care for

kin: one's family or relations


Nourishing Kin Circle gatherings will focus on rekindling awareness and reverence of earth-based and ancestral practices of Northwestern European origin. With a focus on education and connection with community, we will focus on the repair and restoration of relationships with kin of all kinds: body, spirit, earth, ancestors, and community.


Who is the circle for?

Nourishing Kin Circle is a space for those who are ready to step into deeper ancestral awareness and connection with the sacred. Because this space was created with awareness for women who are deconstructing from Mormonism, some topics will be specific to that context, but those of all backgrounds are encouraged to attend. 


Presentations and discussions will have a breadth of focus and will include conversations around topics such as: matrifocal iterations of the Divine, generational grief, anti-racism, cultural appropriation, colonization, diaspora, queer inclusion and awareness, the history and practice of ancient wise women, and creating inclusive sisterhood communities.


Simply put, if you are looking for resources and a supportive community focused on social awareness, spiritual awakening, and generational repair, welcome. We will find our way home together.

Nourishing Kin | 4 Season Bundle

  • Channing Parker: Fairy tales, myths, and sunflowers are at the heart of Channing’s work as a post-mormon witch with an ecofeminist flair. Her love of language and research complement her interests in somatic, earth-based spiritual experiences rooted in values of authenticity, aesthetic, and belonging. In addition to her personal research in animist traditions of her Nordic and Celtic Northern European ancestors, she co-hosts The Faithful Feminists podcast which focuses on intersectional feminist interpretations of sacred LDS text. Channing uses she/her/hers pronouns, identifies as bisexual, and lives near Salt Lake City, Utah with her partner, two children, and their dog Lulu. You can connect with Channing on instagram @channingbparker.


    Bergen Hyde:  Inspired by her own journey through the dark, Bergen has spent the last four years devoting her energy to creating spaces and resources for other women to find their way. She has personally guided hundreds of women through understanding the sacred feminine, navigating faith transitions, and to ultimately finding a place of sovereignty. She has space for you, always. She lives in Provo, Utah with her husband and three children. You can connect with Bergen on Instagram @womb_circle. 


    Alisa McArthur: From a young age, a love for the earth, history and ancestry have been the central threads weaving through Alisa’s life. Combined with a passion for tradition, ritual and celebration, Alisa has been involved in many of the living folk arts and traditions of the British Isles and has focused her academic studies in English, History and Folklore. Following her heart and the call of her ancestors, she went to Scotland where she met her husband and ended up living in the UK for 10 years, immersing herself fully in the culture and history of the British Isles. Alisa homeschools and works part time in the social studies and humanities department for Williamsburg Academy. She currently lives in Bountiful, Utah with her husband and their 4 children. You can connect with Alisa on Instagram @round.the.year

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